As we embark on this big dream, we are reminded of our inner strength. It was not easy; it never was easy. Perhaps you could relate with that.

El Rio Bamboo is a gift to my Mom, and her homeland, Aurora province. (Well, it is the land of our beloved Gaia and ancestors but in the ‘human economic terms’, it is Mom’s land, passed on to her by her hardworking father.) It wasn’t easy for her, being a public school teacher back in her days, so it was really a dream for her to be able to develop it. We had actually planned to sell it (more practical, for the sake of my Mom) but we had no serious offer. And so, the vision came one day.

We are building from scratch but from this BIG love in my heart. I really pray so hard that my Mom will be able to enjoy it in her twilight years. She is at the center of this dream.

If you are reading this, we hope you will be inspired, too.

The world is still going through a pandemic. But we are all reborn; finding more meaning in the everyday things. El Rio Bamboo is truly a beautiful journey. It had been delayed not just by Covid-19 but because of personal challenges. We have been truly tested. All of us had been tested.

But remember the bamboos. They continue to simply sway with the winds. They bend, not ever wanting to break. And no matter where the winds pull them, they continue to sing.

You are strong and resilient. Never ever forget.

[Images by Chuttersnap and Jessica Weiller at Unsplash]